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Take control of your digital identity with your Starkware accounts!

With Sign-in With Starkware, users will be able to control their digital identity with their Starkware accounts instead of relying on traditional/custodial profiles. What this means is that instead of using your traditional Google, Facebook login directly and sharing your information and usage data, you have the power to utilise an alternate digital identity, powered by Starkware, which controls what you share and in what capacity with the app you're interating with.

With Starkware - You Own Your Identity

One of the critical problems that web3 solves is privacy. Having control over the private key allows users to own their digital identities. Sign In With Starkware leverages this very principle to allow any web2 application to authenticate users with their Starkware address. Users simply need to sign a message using any Starkware compatible wallet to do this.

What does Sign-in With Starkware Solve?

Today most authentication mechanisms rely on accounts controlled by centralized identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Apple. Identity providers have complete control over the existence and use of users’ digital identities and data.

Sign-In with Starkware allows off-chain authentication of Starkware accounts by signing a standard message format parameterized by scope, session details, and security mechanisms (e.g., a nonce) compliant with CAIP-74 which is the current chain agnostic standard.

Do check our documentation for a step by step guide on how to build a Sign-in with Starkware flow to navigate the authentication logic. Feel free to reach out to us in case you have questions on our Telegram Chat

Additionally, Web3Auth, the creator of Sign-in with Starkware, offers a dedicated suite of authentication tools for all Starkware Developers. This includes support for OAuth and native biometric login using our Plug and Play SDK. You can also utilise one of the leading wallets in the Starkware ecosystem, i.e., the Torus Starkware Wallet.